Welcome to our March update!
ATYP’s production of ‘The Resistance’ has just finished its run in Sydney, receiving some glowing reviews. Giving Culture was lucky enough to attend opening night – and we enjoyed the whole experience! You can see our photos and links to some of the reviews here.
Sydney Film Festival has just launched its subscriptions for the 70th Sydney Film Festival and, to celebrate the occasion, has a great prize on offer to Giving Culture voucher holders!
The ACO has been touring Vivaldi’s The Four Seasons with featured artist Joseph Tawadros, and we loved this quote from a review in Limelight: “To be honest, I wouldn’t have been surprised to see people on their feet and swaying to the music at some points in the evening.”
As always, we’d love to hear your feedback on Giving Culture and discuss its future direction. Please contact us by email at info@givingculture.com.au or call us on (02) 4872 4981.
For all our culture voucher holders, here is the latest news and offers from ACO, ATYP and SFF!
Australian Chamber Orchestra

ACO: A Clockwork Orange and Beyond
Next on Tour with the ACO: A Clockwork Orange and Beyond
12 – 23 May, touring to Sydney, Wollongong, Melbourne, and Canberra.
Richard Tognetti, the ACO, Goldfrapp’s Will Gregory and his ensemble of Moog Synthesisers perform trailblazing music from the soundtracks of A Clockwork Orange, Blade Runner, Chariots of Fire, Interstellar, Solaris, Doctor Who and more.
You can book now for tickets directly on the ACO website, and details of Giving Culture’s ACO packages can be found here.

ATYP Workshops: book now for school holiday dates
Australian Theatre for Young People
Did you know you can redeem your culture vouchers for ATYP’s drama classes and workshops?
ATYP has a range of school holiday drama workshops aimed to encourage and engage young people from Kindergarten to Year 12. Kids will make new friends, learn about performing, gain confidence and most importantly have a ton of fun in a safe and inspiring environment. ATYP’s acting classes can include character development, self-devised work, comedy, drama, movement, audition intensives, voice and accents and much more. The program can also cover short film making, online presentation for digital platforms, storytelling technique, stagecraft and for our littlest participants amazing imagination stretching. You can find the full schedule of holiday workshops here.
You can redeem a Silver culture voucher for a workshop here and a Gold culture voucher here.

Sydney Film Festival at the State Theatre
Sydney Film Festival
Win a double pass to the launch of the 70th Sydney Film Festival and be the first to find out what SFF is screening at the Festival, 7-18 June!
Use your Gold or Silver culture voucher towards a Flexipass before the end of March and you’ll go in the draw to win an exclusive invitation to the SFF program launch, plus an extra Flexipass 10 to book in films!
Your Flexipass will unlock 10, 20, or 30 tickets that can be shared between up to four people per session. Take your pick from 200+ of the best new films from around the world at the biggest celebration of cinema of the year!
You can see the latest Giving Culture SFF packages here.